Allah Dostları 1

Title of Work: Allah Dostları 1

Subtitle of the Work: 20. Yüzyıl Türkiye Evliya Menakıbı

Author name: Prof. Dr. Ethem Cebecioğlu

Publisher: Ankara Kalem Neşriyat

Original language: Türkçe

Date of issue: 30.11.2017

Number of pages: 464

ISBN No: 978-605-823071-2

Book Description:

For many years, we have been trying to transfer it to our day by following the tradition of the friends of Allah. Hz. The people who were meticulous in being subject to the Prophet in every aspect have been described to the public in biographical works in every century. We wanted to bring these values of our own land to the light with the hope that they would contribute to our cultural history. We could not stumble upon a tidy work of the last century in the style of traditional menâkıbname or awliya strata. The vacuum seen in this area has encouraged us to work in this direction. May Allah have mercy on the writer, the reader, and the beneficiary. I hope our work will be beneficial and fill a gap in its field. Success is from Allah.